Boboli Suma Award

Success is the sum of small actions.

Since 2016, the Boboli Suma Award has been given to non-profit organizations that work every day to ensure that children have the resources they need to develop as great human beings.


Hacemos un parón en la edición de 2024 del Premio Boboli Suma, debido a que estamos inmersos en otros proyectos sociales que consumen todos nuestros recursos.

Estaremos felices de retomarlo en breve y seguir aportando nuestro granito de arena en proyectos maravillosos.

What is the Boboli Suma Award?

Since 2016, the Boboli Suma Award has been given to non-profit organizations that work every day to ensure that children have the resources they need to develop as great human beings.

The Boboli Suma Prize, which has been awarded since 2016 with an annual endowment of 30,000 euros, is meant to help non-profit organizations that work every day to ensure that children have the necessary resources to develop as great people in Spain. We are working to make the Boboli Suma Award available internationally in the near future.

Winning projects

Emet Arco Iris Foundation
Boboli Vesti-Ödos

This is a project that aims to fulfil the basic needs of migrant children who arrive in Spain in an irregular way. The Humanitarian Reception Centre for Minors in Montilla (Córdoba), through the Ödos Programme, will provide them with a safe and local place to stay.

ACRESCERE Foundation
Social Day Care Centre

The social day care centre offers a 24/7 service for children aged 0-6 from families living in situations of exclusion and poverty. They provide care, protection, education, and help to improve the development of these children at risk of social exclusion.

Ramon Martí i Bonet Foundation
Vision for all in schools

The project works in high complexity schools with a programme to prevent avoidable childhood blindness through on-site screening of children in vulnerable situations, full assessment of those with difficulties and provision of glasses and a report for follow-up.

Educando sonrisas
Fundación Soñar Despierto

This project aims toimprove the academic and social situation of children who live in Residential Centres for Educational Action (CRAE) and minors who attend open centres in Catalonia, in order to ensure an adequate school level for their future social integration and development. The goal is to increase their self-esteem, spread values, and help them avoid social isolationby giving them personal attention.

Haz Que Suene Tetuán
Fundación Acción por la música

This project aims toreduce dropout and school failure by creating orchestras in schools and sociocultural centres made up of minors from Tetuán, Madrid who are in a situation of social vulnerability. The project gives children free musical training, school support and psychosocial and pedagogical guidance, so they can develop the individual and collective capacities they need to become the agents of their own change.

Un verano para todos
Fundació per a la Integració Social

“Un verano para todos” (A summer for all) is a program to offer two sports and leisure summer camps in the Nou Barris district where they provide a healthy space for coexistence for children from dysfunctional families, with little economic capacity. Many of them fall below the poverty line. The project ensures emotional, physical, and mental stability for the participating minors during the summer break.

"Move your body, heal your mind"
San Joan de Déu

"This project involves healthy lifestyle habits aimed at minimising the physical, mental, emotional and social effects of mental disorders in children, through sports and inclusive leisure activities. It improves the emotional well being and the clinical signs shown by 100% of children with mental health problems who are in a vulnerable position and at social risk."

"Inclusive camp for children with heart disease"
Fundación Menudos Corazones

As part of the Integration Programme through leisure and free time for minors with congenital heart disease, the “Inclusive camp for children with heart disease” is a camp welcoming children with congenital heart disease.

"Health-related rights - Health programme for children with multiple disabilities"
Nexe Fundació Privada

"The “Health-related rights - Health programme for children with multiple disabilities” is for 105 children under 12 with multiple disabilities (children with more than a 75% degree of disability, and highly dependent children). Its vision is to give children with a disability the right to lead a full life, and to receive special care, as well as effective education, health and leisure, enabling their social integration and individual development"


Winning projects

Emet Arco Iris Foundation
Boboli Vesti-Ödos

This is a project that aims to fulfil the basic needs of migrant children who arrive in Spain in an irregular way. The Humanitarian Reception Centre for Minors in Montilla (Córdoba), through the Ödos Programme, will provide them with a safe and local place to stay.

ACRESCERE Foundation
Social Day Care Centre

The social day care centre offers a 24/7 service for children aged 0-6 from families living in situations of exclusion and poverty. They provide care, protection, education, and help to improve the development of these children at risk of social exclusion.

Ramon Martí i Bonet Foundation
Vision for all in schools

The project works in high complexity schools with a programme to prevent avoidable childhood blindness through on-site screening of children in vulnerable situations, full assessment of those with difficulties and provision of glasses and a report for follow-up.

Educando sonrisas
Fundación Soñar Despierto

This project aims toimprove the academic and social situation of children who live in Residential Centres for Educational Action (CRAE) and minors who attend open centres in Catalonia, in order to ensure an adequate school level for their future social integration and development. The goal is to increase their self-esteem, spread values, and help them avoid social isolationby giving them personal attention.

Haz Que Suene Tetuán
Fundación Acción por la música

This project aims toreduce dropout and school failure by creating orchestras in schools and sociocultural centres made up of minors from Tetuán, Madrid who are in a situation of social vulnerability. The project gives children free musical training, school support and psychosocial and pedagogical guidance, so they can develop the individual and collective capacities they need to become the agents of their own change.

Un verano para todos
Fundació per a la Integració Social

“Un verano para todos” (A summer for all) is a program to offer two sports and leisure summer camps in the Nou Barris district where they provide a healthy space for coexistence for children from dysfunctional families, with little economic capacity. Many of them fall below the poverty line. The project ensures emotional, physical, and mental stability for the participating minors during the summer break.

"Move your body, heal your mind"
San Joan de Déu

"This project involves healthy lifestyle habits aimed at minimising the physical, mental, emotional and social effects of mental disorders in children, through sports and inclusive leisure activities. It improves the emotional well being and the clinical signs shown by 100% of children with mental health problems who are in a vulnerable position and at social risk."

"Inclusive camp for children with heart disease"
Fundación Menudos Corazones

As part of the Integration Programme through leisure and free time for minors with congenital heart disease, the “Inclusive camp for children with heart disease” is a camp welcoming children with congenital heart disease.

"Health-related rights - Health programme for children with multiple disabilities"
Nexe Fundació Privada

"The “Health-related rights - Health programme for children with multiple disabilities” is for 105 children under 12 with multiple disabilities (children with more than a 75% degree of disability, and highly dependent children). Its vision is to give children with a disability the right to lead a full life, and to receive special care, as well as effective education, health and leisure, enabling their social integration and individual development"


Your vote, your voice, matters!

In addition, members of the Boboli Club from Spain, who have been members for more than a year since the publication of the finalists, can do their share by voting for their favourite Boboli Suma Award project.
Not yet a member of the boboli Club?


Other projects

“Sale of the Keta doll”
Enriqueta Villavecchia Children’s Cancer Foundation

Keta is a very special doll that helps carry out some of the projects of the Enriqueta Villavecchia Children’s Cancer Foundation. From the moment we heard about her, we wanted to join in the project by selling Keta in our exclusive Boboli brick and mortar shops.

“Warrior without armour”
Neonatal service in Vall d’Hebron University Hospital

Many of the boys and girls who come into the world do so prematurely and without clothes that are adapted to their physical needs. That’s why we’ve created a line, together with a team of doctors and healthcare professionals, which is conceived and designed for premature babies in the programme “With you, just like at home”.

- “The Little shop, La Botigueta”
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona

We are in The Little Shop, La Botigueta, which is the solidarity shop of the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona. The monies earned are invested in International Research and Corporation Projects, improvement of the facilities as well as helping families with limited resources.

- “Welcome to the world, baby”
Fundación Cromo Suma

The arrival of a baby is a very special moment, which is why we’re pleased to join the Cromo Suma Foundation in warmly and colourfully welcoming all babies with Down Syndrome with a Baby Layette that includes the most delicate and softest garments from our Newborn Collection.


Other projects

“Sale of the Keta doll”
Enriqueta Villavecchia Children’s Cancer Foundation

Keta is a very special doll that helps carry out some of the projects of the Enriqueta Villavecchia Children’s Cancer Foundation. From the moment we heard about her, we wanted to join in the project by selling Keta in our exclusive Boboli brick and mortar shops.

“Warrior without armour”
Neonatal service in Vall d’Hebron University Hospital

Many of the boys and girls who come into the world do so prematurely and without clothes that are adapted to their physical needs. That’s why we’ve created a line, together with a team of doctors and healthcare professionals, which is conceived and designed for premature babies in the programme “With you, just like at home”.

- “The Little shop, La Botigueta”
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona

We are in The Little Shop, La Botigueta, which is the solidarity shop of the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona. The monies earned are invested in International Research and Corporation Projects, improvement of the facilities as well as helping families with limited resources.

- “Welcome to the world, baby”
Fundación Cromo Suma

The arrival of a baby is a very special moment, which is why we’re pleased to join the Cromo Suma Foundation in warmly and colourfully welcoming all babies with Down Syndrome with a Baby Layette that includes the most delicate and softest garments from our Newborn Collection.

Together, we are boboli.
